Gross national happiness

Gross national happiness Pape’ete Topics of the day: headache, EDT, life-management, redtapism, happiness Today I actually wanted to go downtown and attack a few more passers-by with 24 questions each or at least read a bit, but ended up bumming around writing emails (the people I’m in contact with has increased exponentially thanks to the…

Welch ein Glück

Welch ein Glück Ich reise im „Tahiti-Virus“ mit Maeva, Cording und Steve ja um die Welt und wie ich bereits an anderer Stelle erzählt habe, ist das Internet, ist Wikipedia und Google-Earth dabei äußerst hilfreich. Im letzten Kapitel traf meine kleine Delegation die heute immer noch unter Hausarrest stehende Aung San Suu Kyi. Im Roman…


Filming Pape’ete Topics of the day: questionnaires, hydropower, Point Venus, Pomare-grave, market, Roti, asylum Today I worked on the questionnaires again and the four of us went to look at one of the hydropower-plants which was quite interesting (it’s quite amazing how little space the two 3 MW-turbines took up on the ground – but…

Disillusions and Aloha

Disillusions and Aloha Pape’ete Topics of the day: island tour, rain, discussions, silence, teenagers, agriculture, Marae, film Today we set off with Robert and Eric in their rental car – using fossil fuels (just to share some of the cynical comments that were made in that poor soulless piece of steel on wheels which never…


Traditional Pape’ete Topics of the day: questionnaire, filming, pirogue, uru, Rudolf and Belinda, Curitiba In the morning I started digitalizing the results of the paper-questionnaires I’ve done out on the streets – a quite monotonous job – but I’m already looking forward to comparing the results with the online-survey (wonder if they’re going to be…

Gruß an die Ritter vom Order der Zuversicht

Gruß an die Ritter vom Order der Zuversicht Das erste Viertel des „Tahiti-Virus“ (85 Seiten) ist geschafft, es fühlt sich gut an. Wenn ich meinen Schreibrhythmus beibehalte, dürfte die Rohfassung im Februar wie geplant vorliegen. Ich freue mich immer noch sehr über Kimberleys „Tahitianisches Tagebuch“, besonders spannend finde ich es zur Zeit, über die Aktivitäten…

Too many contacts

Too many contacts Pape’ete Topics of the day: contacts, comic, documentary film contents, questionnaires Today I wrote a bit and tried finding out the phone number of Steve Lejeune who draws futuristic dystopian comics (Tahiti in the year 2040, severely battered by climate change drugs and violence) for the Depêche (one of the two most…

Mixed feelings

Mixed feelings Pape’ete Topics of the day: Pierre, crisis, public participation solar farm, socialising In the morning Eric, Robert and I went to meet Pierre Blanchard (the independent consultant) while Raphael went to the TEP again to get a plan of the electricity grid. He showed us his house which is crammed with thousands of…