Invitation to an Assemblée
Topics of the day: Assemblée, daily duties, land reform
Today we were invited to the French Polynesian Assemblée (parliament) by two of the representatives. They wanted to know more about the Tahiti project and our work in particular. I would say they seemed relatively interested but regretted that Eric and Robert weren’t there. Raphael talked most of the time so it was more about renewables than about the project as a whole. It is always important to have a look at the specific steps for starting the transition but it’s essential to keep the bigger picture in mind (Equilibrism is a holistic socio-ecological economic concept and won’t work if only a small part of the problem is treated). I kept being interrupted by a certain person –probably because what I had to say was neither valid nor diplomatic enough… All in all I would say it was quite useful to talk to some of the more motivated and open-minded politicians though and I hope they will push for change.
In the afternoon I caught up with writing the blog, sorted through all the pictures I took and fought against my e-mail flood while Raphael encountered some actual waves (he went surfing with Vaitua since it’s his last day tomorrow).
In the evening we had dinner with Vaitua and saw Roti in a talk show on TV. It was in Tahitian so I only understood “fiffi” (problem) and “fenua” (earth/home/our land)… It seemed Roti stood alone with her opinion and all her (5 male) opponents (including the moderator) kept picking on her and tried to interrupt her all the time but she didn’t let them and stood up for herself. I wish I’d have enough time here to learn Tahitian…
Final thoughts of the day: During the meeting (which took place outside under a traditional roof) we heard a splash – a curious tourist had fallen into the “bain de la reine” (little pond next to the Assemblée in which the queen used to go swimming, I guess).
It would be amazing if a land reform here actually worked – I guess that’s a very, if not the most crucial step towards a more equitable system (forgot to mention that rights over the land in Polynesia was one of the topics discussed in the talk show…I think).
We met Eliane, a German documentary film maker who has read the Tahiti Projekt and apparently helped make this meeting at the Assemblée possible.