Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye Pape’ete Topics of the day: wind turbines, market, time to say goodbye When I woke up I was slightly disoriented – the sun’s up – why didn’t I wake up? Oh, no Raphael missed his flight! His mosquito-net is gone… all his stuff is gone. Okay it’s just me – I seem to…

Time to Pack

Time to Pack Pape’ete Topics of the day: Mahé, health care, TNTV, farewell-dinner Today I got some pictures developed and met Mahé who is working on a research project about economics and lagoon preservation in Mo’orea for an NGO that seems to have slightly similar goals to the Equilibrism e.V. (at least in terms of…

So schnell wie die Wirklichkeit ist keine Fiktion

So schnell wie die Wirklichkeit ist keine Fiktion Auch für die Zukunftstechnologien gilt, dass die Grenzen des Wachstums erreicht sind. Die Hightech-Metalle Indium, Gallium, Tellur, Tantal oder Neodym, die zur Herstellung von Mobiltelefonen, Flachbildschirmen, Satellitentechnik und anderem Schnickschnack benötigt werden, gehen aus. Das berichtet das Berliner Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung (IZT)… Eigentlich könnte man…

Invitation to an Assemblée

Invitation to an Assemblée Pape’ete Pape’ete Topics of the day: Assemblée, daily duties, land reform Today we were invited to the French Polynesian Assemblée (parliament) by two of the representatives. They wanted to know more about the Tahiti project and our work in particular. I would say they seemed relatively interested but regretted that Eric…


Mobility Topics of the day: writing, European Mobility week, mobilizing people, writing Today I had a lot to catch up on blog entries and e-mails, corrected a stack of leaflets (we’d printed too many for the last bike action) and Raphael, Roti and I cycled downtown to distribute them – advertise for the one next…


Mountains Pape’ete Topics of the day: Bye-bye civilization, hiking, farewell-dinner Robert decided that he should take at least a few hours to experience the nicer side of the island so I decided to join him for a hike. We almost made it up to the clouds – but not quite to the top (maybe up…


Moving Pape’ete Topics of the day: packing, meeting, eco-quartier, cleaning, wind-turbine-assembly, Johann, Roti Today we packed, met up with Terii Vallaux, his assistant Jessica, Mizael, Roti and Hinano to discuss the public participation solar farm/community solar rooftop project – D2-attitude is thinking more along the lines of CO2-compensation projects (companies and individuals paying to “neutralize”…


Mo’orea Pape’ete Topics of the day: strike, eco-sinners, mayor, technology and culture, Berkeley research, traditional architecture, medicine, volunteers, concrete At 6:15 Robert and Eric picked us up and we drove to the port where Raphael’s apprehension proved to be true – the ferries to Mo’orea weren’t running because Temaru, the president wants to bring in…

Gross national happiness

Gross national happiness Pape’ete Topics of the day: headache, EDT, life-management, redtapism, happiness Today I actually wanted to go downtown and attack a few more passers-by with 24 questions each or at least read a bit, but ended up bumming around writing emails (the people I’m in contact with has increased exponentially thanks to the…

Welch ein Glück

Welch ein Glück Ich reise im „Tahiti-Virus“ mit Maeva, Cording und Steve ja um die Welt und wie ich bereits an anderer Stelle erzählt habe, ist das Internet, ist Wikipedia und Google-Earth dabei äußerst hilfreich. Im letzten Kapitel traf meine kleine Delegation die heute immer noch unter Hausarrest stehende Aung San Suu Kyi. Im Roman…