What does „equilibrism“ actually mean?
- The term „equilibrism“ comes from the Latin „aequilibrium“ (equilibrium) and is composed of „Aequus“ (equal) and „Libra“ (balance). What is meant is a balance between economy and ecology, between natural and cultural space, a completely new socio-ecological economic system.
What distinguishes equilibrism from all other concepts?
- other concepts are anthropocentric and not biocentric, thus do not recognise the rules of nature to a large extent
- other concepts are only concerned with partial areas and not with their interdependence, thus ignoring the overall problematic
- Other concepts only want to correct, slightly reform or defuse the system.They do not recognise that the foundation itself is fragile and that a completely new economic system would have to be built.
What principles does equilibrism follow?
- Regionalisation of the economy as far as possible
- Decisions and responsibility follow the principle of subsidiarity
- Diversity in all areas instead of monopolisation
- All human activities must be in harmony with nature
- Not fighting against something that already exists, but aiming for new goals
- Not reacting to problems first, but acting with foresight
- Positive should be rewarded, not negative punished
What does the equilibrism system do?
- System is decelerated
- no more forced growth
- no further exploitation of resources
- no more increasing destruction of our livelihoods
- The effects of climate change can be reduced
- Wounds of nature can heal again
- space for fauna and flora can be restored
- Prevent further extinction of species
- away from competition against each other towards self-competition
- Gap between rich and poor will be steadily reduced
- The economy serves the people again and not the other way round.
- Warlike conflicts are avoided
- System comes back into balance
- We no longer work against evolution, whose goal is diversity.
Either we restore the social balance with nature, or we are or we are forced by nature to do so with all the consequences.