
Solar Radiation – Exploitable

Solar Radiation – Exploitable Point Venus, Tahiti Topics of the day: beach, eco-dictatorship, suntan-lotion and coral reefs, Thede, public participation solar farm (Bürgersolarpark) We spent pretty much all day on the beach with Thede, Tino, Tia and her son Maurice. We played boule/pétanque, Raphael took part in a volleyball-match and a pirogue-race (there was a…



Frauenpower Kimberley fragt sich, ob die Welt wohl besser aussehen würde, wenn sie von Frauen regiert worden wäre. Aber ja! Die Ethnologin Margaret Mead hatte schon in den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren den gesamten Sozialwissenschaften neue Impulse gegeben. Auf Samoa und in Neuguinea erforschte sie die Stämme der Arapesh, Tchambuli und Mundugumor, die nach dem…



Quiet Aute II Topics of the day: Reading, writing, cycling, uru-picking and possibly –eating! Possible final thought of the day: We really needed a day of silent input (books and e-mails) – after all the people we met yesterday!


Depression induced by Politics and Plunging into the Culture

Depression induced by Politics and Plunging into the Culture Pape’ete Topics of the day: Public transport (or maybe not), overconsumption, corrupt and/or lazy politicians, poverty, uncertainty, hospitality and culture People we met today (just to add another category): Terri Vallaux (the energy minister’s RE-consultant), Steve Finck (from the establishment for (public) transport and development (town…


Back to work

Back to work Ra’iatea, Wednesday 5th of August 2009 Topics of the day*: Goodbye Ra’iatea, freight ship, travelling, people, health and safety, alternative propulsion systems for ships Today I solved my computer problems and read a bit. We said goodbye to everyone and went downtown twice – the Taporo didn’t take us on board but…
