Auf ein Wort, Herr Präsident

Auf ein Wort, Herr Präsident Eric und Robert sind heute nach Tahiti aufgebrochen um an dem Dokumentarfilm über das „Tahiti-Projekt“ zu arbeiten und um dort Gespräche mit Leuten zu führen, die uns weiter helfen können bei der Umsetzung des Projekts. Unter anderem ist ein Treffen mit dem Präsidenten geplant sowie mit einem tahitianischen Verleger. Denken…


Busy Pape’ete Topics of the day: preparing for tomorrow We spent all day over at Roti’s painting the t-shirts, chemises, banners and flags for our bicycle-demonstration tomorrow. Final thoughts of the day: Rudolf is organizing a meeting with Oscar (the president) and James (the energy minister) – since it didn’t work out with Thede and…

Pessimist or realist

Pessimist or realist Pape’ete Topics of the day: press conference, TNTV, EDT, market, sick, translation This morning we had a press conference and not a single reporter showed up – it turned out Roti had sent the wrong time to the press (11:00 instead of 9:00). At shortly past 11:00 (I had already gone back…


Preparations Pape’ete Topics of the day: sponsors, bikes, chemises, kids, online questionnaire This morning Roti, Hinano and I went to look for some more sponsors but (only) got 10 t-shirts (probably made from genetically modified cotton loaded with pesticides and manufactured in a sweatshop by some poor children in China – worst case scenario or…


Sponsors Pape’ete Topics of the day: leaflets, sponsors, more networking Today we found a jackpot-sponsor! He is giving Roti a tricycle for free and donating the first prize for our “Draw the bike of your dreams” competition – a bicycle! That really motivated me! Roti and I also went to a few other shops to…

Das Tahiti Projekt – Ein Leser vor Ort

Das Tahiti Projekt – Ein Leser vor Ort Heute erreichte mich ein Schreiben von Udo Blum (war auch in Wuppertal dabei). Er hat mir einen Brief eines Freundes weitergeleitet, der zur Zeit auf Tahiti Urlaub macht und dem er das „Tahiti-Projekt“ als Reiselektüre mitgegeben hat. Dieser Freund, sein Name ist Peter Schrage-Aden, ist beim Bezirksamt…

Listen to the radio

Listen to the radio Pape’ete Topics of the day: radio, sponsors, more networking and writing, Pomare XI At 8:00 I met Roti in front of “Radio Fara” (one of the local radio stations) for our interview. Actually Raurani was supposed to join us but she called Roti to let us know that she was sick…

Facebook revolution

Facebook revolution Pape’ete Topics of the day: market, networking, Facebook, blog, Raphael accident This morning we went to the market – it has become a nice Sunday-tradition now that we’re living only 3 minutes from the city center. I spent all day over at Roti’s networking: flooded all her “facebook-friends” (Facebook is a social networking…

Creating Momentum

Creating Momentum Pape’ete Topics of the day: 2D-Attitude, carbon trading, air conditioning, swine flu conspiracy, press conference, paperwork This morning we met Mizael in the Parc Bougainville. He works as a teacher (at the biggest lycée in French Polynesia which has about 2500 pupils and teachers) and volunteers for 2D-Attitude. He told us that they…