Too many contacts
Topics of the day: contacts, comic, documentary film contents, questionnaires
Today I wrote a bit and tried finding out the phone number of Steve Lejeune who draws futuristic dystopian comics (Tahiti in the year 2040, severely battered by climate change drugs and violence) for the Depêche (one of the two most read/looked at newspapers of questionable “informative” content). Since the Polynesians aren’t really big on reading we thought it might be an idea to contact him and see whether he’d be interested in the graphical realization of the Tahiti Project in order to make it more accessible to the general public.
Then I talked to someone from France who had contacted me via e-mail to ask about the online survey service provider we are using for our questionnaire. He’ll be coming to Moorea next week to conduct a survey on environmental economics for an NGO and forwarded me the contact details of a research institute (focusing on sustainable development) and two people there (economists) who might be interesting for Eric and Robert to meet. We want to go over to Moorea next week. Eric had the idea of establishing an information center/museum there to familiarize the locals with some of the key aspects of Equilibrism (different money system, agriculture, architecture, education, health care, clothing, transport, renewable energy,…).
In the afternoon Robert and Eric came over and we sorted out appointments with all sorts of people. We had dinner together at Roti’s and talked about the contents of documentary, collected ideas to prevent it from becoming a talking-heads-only thing. Roti (with her couturier-background) could for example show some local plants out of which one could extract fibers to spin and make fabric, Mizael (the teacher from 2D-Attitude) could be filmed teaching his class about sustainability (emphasizing the importance of a holistic learning)…
Final thoughts of the day: Wonder what I did all day – I actually wanted to digitalize the questionnaires.
So far about 300 people have taken part in our online survey and I’m quite pleased with the results form an idealistic point of view – of course I’m neutral – if people mean what they say/click/write (in the comment part) the world (or at least French Polynesia) is in apple-pie order 🙂